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Dead Space 2

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Dead Space 2 Empty Dead Space 2

Post  vhinfy Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:23 am

Alright so this is my first review so dont expect it to be a really good here i go

Alright so Dead Space 2 is the sequel to the the original award winning EA game Dead Space and It is the same premise as the first one with your trusty plasma cutter and the limbs flying everywhere in anyways you play as Issac Clarke On A Giant Space Carrier that the "infected" is on. It has so so so much more infected and the of course the original infected from the first game.
so you start in Issac's memory of being interrogated by a man about what you saw on the ship the U.S.S Ishimura,and your wife,Nicole's death,as you see very scary visions of her. after the memory you wake up and see someone trying to break you free from a straight jacket your in. though the game you will be trying to be staying alive as the infected hunt you down and try to kill you in the most gruesome ways possible you name it Head decapitation,ripping you apart,anything.So Anyways as you go through the ship you will meet 2 survivors a deranged crazy man named Stross and a woman named Ellie. through this 15 chapter amazing story you will that not everything is not what it seems as Issac slowly loses his sanity and sees visions of his deceased girlfriend he learns that stross is a complete wack job and he wants to kill you. you learn that the marker from the first game is on this ship and thats why the infected are on the ship. in the game you go through hell and back trying to learn the secrets about the ship,I wont spoil the ending for it but ill tell definitely is a twist.

Now TIME FOR THE MULTIPLAYER. in the game there is a..kinda capture the flag mode where you need to go on infected parts of the ship and find parts for a bomb to destroy the sprawl while defending yourself from the sprawl all im going to say is IT IS FUCKING UNBALENCED IF YOU ARE THE HUMANS YOU ARE GOD. You play as the humans all with the same weapons as you level up to get more suits and more weapons, and the sprawl as you rank up for stronger damage. now here is my problem with the multiplayer,THE STASIS GOD DAMN! IT WAS UNFAIR because it seemed it everyone had infinte stasis because the freeze you and then they kill you i hated it and i bet everyone else hated it so yeah which am why i am giving it a 8.3 out of 10 for a great story but a eh multiplayer. and that was my review Very Happy


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-09-18
Age : 28

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